Friday, January 28, 2011

Final Post

I have joined a group "Trying to Conceive blog called Bloomin' Babies and will be posting about my second trip to Panama there. So if you would like to follow me there come on over!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gearing Up For Round 2

The plane tickets have been purchased, the accomodations have been booked and I will start birth control bills December 30th! I am excited that it is getting closer to going again but am nervous that I still have a fallopian tube that can cause the demise of this second round of IVF. I keep having arguments, with myself, that maybe it would've been better to just remove both fallopian tubes while we were at it that way those embryo's would have to stay in the uterus!! K, so that might just be a tad bit drastic but hey I tend to be that way. That is really my only concern going into round two since round one went soo smoothly and virtually pain free. Except for the accomodations since I try to look for cheaper but nice places to rent the first time around was cheap and nice but located in the Ghetto. This new place is in Casco Viejo which is the old town Pananma City that is being refurbished. It is safe inside of Casco Viejo but very unsafe outside of it which is fairly close to where we will be staying. Hopefully it all turns out well and we will be happy with our choice. We are also going to spend a week in the upper end of Panama on an island on the Carribean side that is supposed to be spectacular! We just need to decide which island we want to be on.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I thought I would update this blog before I continue on with posts. We went in for the 7 week ultrasound to see a heartbeat and had a unexpected surprise. It turned out that one embryo took and had a heartbeat but was in the fallopian tube. So after doing another HCG test and finding that my BETA was over 8,500 the doctor said we needed to go in surgically and remove the embryo and possibly the tube as well that day. We went in at 4:30 that afternoon and had the embryo and left tube laproscopically removed. The procedure went well and I was able to go home that evening. Recovery has been fairly smooth sailing, the first week I was quite a bit sore but things have been great ever since. We are planning on doing a second round of IVF in Panama in February so hopefully this time around those darn embryo's will stay where they belong, in the uterus!! This time they only have one tube that they can wander down so my odds are better. I will start blogging again closer to when we leave.

Here are the surgery pictures for your viewing pleasure

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Dr. Appointment

Today I met with an actual OB for the first time to go over my meds that I am on and what the next steps should be. I was lucky to get one that is practically next door and in the physicians building attached the the hospital. I of course googled him and found a few physician review sites that had reviews and all had 5 stars. Doesn't necessarily mean he is what I want but my first impression was a good one. He listened to what I had to say and the explanination of what I am taking and then let me ask a bunch more questions before leaving. I have an appointmetn on the 25th to do our first ultrasound and then have time to go over all my questions so I can decide if I want him as my main OB or if I need to start the hunt over. Hopefully I won't and this will be one of the first simple things I will have to do in getting pregnant. It is pretty fun to write and say that I am pregnant it doesn't really feel real kinda pretend like. I am sure it will sink in once I actually have a tummy. I can't wait!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Second Beta

I got the results of Saturday's beta test and it was 162!!!! It is viable so far and more than doubled!!! I can relax a little now and try to enjoy the next few weeks before an ultrasound to see a heartbeat. I am going in to see one of the OB's tomorrow morning to go over everything and make sure I am on track.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Second Beta Wait

Inbetween my beta tests I have been having some bright red blood spotting for one full day and then half a day. Today I have not had any spotting what so ever which makes me feel better. Every morning I have been taking a pregnancy test to give myself some comfort that I am still pregnant. I will get my second beta results on Monday when the doctor's office is open again. It is really irritating that the lab won't just give me the nuber but oh no that would be interpreting the results!! How ridiculous!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Beta

So today was my first beta test and it came back positive with a Beta of 70. I will retest on Saturday and hopeufully they will double!! I am cautiously optimistic about the whole thing at the moment. Last night and today I have had brownish discharge which I haven't had before. I am not too worried about that as I have read that this can be a sign of implantation and nothing to really worry about. So I will go with that theory for now!!!